
Baal Kaanda

12 - The excellences of Sri Rama and the greatness of His story

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tadapi kahī gura bārahiṃ bārā. samujhi parī kachu mati anusārā..

bhāṣābaddha karabi maiṃ sōī. mōrēṃ mana prabōdha jēhiṃ hōī..

jasa kachu budhi bibēka bala mērēṃ. tasa kahihau hiyaom hari kē prērēṃ..

nija saṃdēha mōha bhrama haranī. karau kathā bhava saritā taranī..

budha biśrāma sakala jana raṃjani. rāmakathā kali kaluṣa bibhaṃjani..

rāmakathā kali paṃnaga bharanī. puni bibēka pāvaka kahu aranī..

rāmakathā kali kāmada gāī. sujana sajīvani mūri suhāī..

sōi basudhātala sudhā taraṃgini. bhaya bhaṃjani bhrama bhēka bhuaṃgini..

asura sēna sama naraka nikaṃdini. sādhu bibudha kula hita girinaṃdini..

saṃta samāja payōdhi ramā sī. bisva bhāra bhara acala chamā sī..

jama gana muhaom masi jaga jamunā sī. jīvana mukuti hētu janu kāsī.. 

rāmahi priya pāvani tulasī sī. tulasidāsa hita hiyaom hulasī sī..

sivapraya mēkala saila sutā sī. sakala siddhi sukha saṃpati rāsī.. 

sadaguna suragana aṃba aditi sī. raghubara bhagati prēma paramiti sī..


Nevertheless, when the preceptor repeated the story time after time, I followed it to a certain extent according to my poor lights. I shall versify the same in the popular tongue, so that my mind may derive satisfaction from it. Equipped with what little intellectual and critical power I possess I shall write with a heart inspired by Sri Hari. The story I am going to tell is such as will dispel my own doubts, errors and delusion and will serve as a boat for crossing the stream of mundane existence. The story of Rama is a solace to the learned and a source of delight to all men and wipes out the impurities of the Kali age. Sri Rama's story is a pea-hen for the serpent in the form of the Kali age; again, it is a wooden stick* for kindling the sacred fire of wisdom. The tale of Rama is the cow of plenty in this age of Kali; it is a beautiful life-giving herb for the virtuous. It is a veritable river of nectar on the surface of this globe; it shatters the fear of birth and death and is a virtual snake for the frog of delusion. It is beneficent to pious souls-even as Goddess Parvati (the daughter of Himavan) is friendly to gods; again, it puts an end to hell even as Parvati exterminated the army of demons. It flows from the assemblage of saints, even as Laksmi (the goddess of wealth) sprang from the ocean; and like the immovable earth it bears the burden of the entire creation. Like the sacred river Yamuna in this world it scares away the messengers of Yama (the god of death). It is holy Kasi as it were for the liberation of souls. It is dear to Rama as the sacred basil plant and is truly beneficent to Tulasidasa as his own mother, Hulasi. It is beloved of Lord Siva as the river Narmada (which has its source in Mount Mekala, a peak of the Amarakantaka hills); it is a mine of all attainments as well as of happiness and prosperity. It is to noble qualities what mother Aditi is to gods; it is the culmination as it were of devotion to and love for Sri Rama. (1-7)

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