
Baal Kaanda

17 - Disowning of Sati by Siva and Siva's trance

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nita nava sōcu satīṃ ura bhārā. kaba jaihau dukha sāgara pārā..

maiṃ jō kīnha raghupati apamānā. punipati bacanu mṛṣā kari jānā..

sō phalu mōhi bidhātāom dīnhā. jō kachu ucita rahā sōi kīnhā..

aba bidhi asa būjhia nahi tōhī. saṃkara bimukha jiāvasi mōhī..

kahi na jāī kachu hṛdaya galānī. mana mahu rāmāhi sumira sayānī..

jau prabhu dīnadayālu kahāvā. āratī harana bēda jasu gāvā..

tau maiṃ binaya karau kara jōrī. chūṭau bēgi dēha yaha mōrī..

jauṃ mōrē siva carana sanēhū. mana krama bacana satya bratu ēhū..


The grief that preyed on Sats’s mind was ever new; for She did not know when She would be able to cross the ocean of sorrow. “I slighted the Lord of Raghus and again took my husband’s words to be untrue; Providence has repaid me for my sins and has done only that which I deserved. Now, O God, it does not behove you that you should make me survive even after alienating me from Sarkara.” The anguish of Her heart was beyond words. The sane lady invoked the presence of RŒma in Her heart and addressed Him thus; “If they refer to You as compassionate to the poor and if the Vedas have glorified You as the dispeller of sorrow, I beseech with joined palms. O Lord, that I may be speedily rid of this body of mine. If I have any devotion to the feet of Siva and if I am true to my vow in thought, word and deed— (1—-4)

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