
Baal Kaanda

23 - Love's departure on the errand of the gods and his being burnt to death

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dēkhi rasāla biṭapa bara sākhā. tēhi para caḍhaēu madanu mana mākhā..

sumana cāpa nija sara saṃdhānē. ati risa tāki śravana lagi tānē..

chāḍaē biṣama bisikha ura lāgē. chuṭi samādhi saṃbhu taba jāgē..

bhayau īsa mana chōbhu bisēṣī. nayana ughāri sakala disi dēkhī..

saurabha pallava madanu bilōkā. bhayau kōpu kaṃpēu trailōkā..

taba sivaom tīsara nayana ughārā. citavata kāmu bhayau jari chārā..

hāhākāra bhayau jaga bhārī. ḍarapē sura bhaē asura sukhārī..

samujhi kāmasukhu sōcahiṃ bhōgī. bhaē akaṃṭaka sādhaka jōgī..


Seeing a beautiful bough of a mango tree, the god of love climbed up to it in a mood of frustration. He joined his five arrows to his bow of flowers, and casting an angry look drew the string home to his very ears. He discharged the five sharp arrows, which smote the breast of Siva. The trance was now broken and Sambhu awoke. The Lord’s mind was much agitated. Opening His eyes He looked all round. When He saw Cupid hiding behind mango leaves, He flew into a rage, which made all the three spheres tremble. Siva then uncovered His third eye; the moment He looked at the god of love the latter was reduced to ashes. A loud wail went up through the universe. The gods were alarmed, while the domons were gratified. The thought of (loss of) sense-delights made the voluptuary sad; while the striving Yogss were relieved of a thorn as it were. (1—-4)

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