
Baal Kaanda

27 - Siva's nuptials

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maiṃ jānā tumhāra guna sīlā. kahau sunahu aba raghupati līlā..

sunu muni āju samāgama tōrēṃ. kahi na jāi jasa sukhu mana mōrēṃ..

rāma carita ati amita munisā. kahi na sakahiṃ sata kōṭi ahīsā..

tadapi jathāśruta kahau bakhānī. sumiri girāpati prabhu dhanupānī..

sārada dārunāri sama svāmī. rāmu sūtradhara aṃtarajāmī..

jēhi para kṛpā karahiṃ janu jānī. kabi ura ajira nacāvahiṃ bānī..

pranavau sōi kṛpāla raghunāthā. baranau bisada tāsu guna gāthā..

parama ramya giribaru kailāsū. sadā jahāom siva umā nivāsū..


I have come to know your virtues and disposition. Listen, therefore, while I narrate the story of the Lord of Raghus. O sage, I cannot say how glad I am at this meeting with you today. O lord of sages, the exploits of Sri Rama are much beyond measure; even a thousand million Sesas (serpent-kings) cannot recount them. Nevertheless, fixing my thoughts on the Lord who wields a bow in His hand and is the lord of speech, I repeat the tale as I have heard it. Sarada (the goddess of speech) is like a puppet; while Sri Rama, the inner controller of all, is the master of the puppet show, who holds the strings in his hands. When He blesses a poet knowing him to be a devotee, He causes the goddess to dance in the courtyard of his heart. To Him, the benevolent Lord of Raghus, I bow and commence the recital of His fair virtues. Of all mountains the most charming and the best is Kailasa, where Siva and Uma eternally dwell.

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