
Baal Kaanda

28 - A dialogue between Siva and Parvati

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jhūṭhēu satya jāhi binu jānēṃ. jimi bhujaṃga binu raju pahicānēṃ.. 

jēhi jānēṃ jaga jāi hērāī. jāgēṃ jathā sapana bhrama jāī..

baṃdau bālarūpa sōī rāmū. saba sidhi sulabha japata jisu nāmū.. 

maṃgala bhavana amaṃgala hārī. dravau sō dasaratha ajira bihārī..

kari pranāma rāmahi tripurārī. haraṣi sudhā sama girā ucārī..

dhanya dhanya girirājakumārī. tumha samāna nahiṃ kōu upakārī..

pūomchēhu raghupati kathā prasaṃgā. sakala lōka jaga pāvani gaṃgā..

tumha raghubīra carana anurāgī. kīnhahu prasna jagata hita lāgī..


"Due to lack of knowledge about Sri Rama even the unreal passes for real, just as ignorance about a rope leads us to mistake it for a snake. Even so the moment we know Him the world of matter vanishes, just as the delusion of a dream disappears as soon as we wake up. Him do I reverence in the form of a Child, the repetition of whose Name brings all kinds of success within our easy reach. May that Home of bliss and Bane of woe take compassion on me-He who sports in the courtyard of king Dasaratha." After thus paying homage to Rama, the Slayer of the demon Tripura joyfully spoke in mellifluous accents as follows: "You are indeed blessed and worthy of applause, O daughter of the mountain-king; there is no such benefactor as you. You have asked Me to repeat the history of the Lord of Raghus, which is potent enough to sanctify all the spheres even as the Ganga purifies the whole world. You are full of love for the feet of the Hero of Raghu's race; You have put questions to Me only with an eye to the good of the world."

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