
Baal Kaanda

29 - Causes of Sri Rama's Descent

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bhayau na nārada mana kachu rōṣā. kahi priya bacana kāma paritōṣā..

nāi carana siru āyasu pāī. gayau madana taba sahita sahāī..

muni susīlatā āpani karanī. surapati sabhāom jāi saba baranī..

suni saba ke māna acaraju ava, munihi prasamsi harihi siru nāva

taba nārada gavanē siva pāhīṃ. jitā kāma ahamiti mana māhīṃ..

māra carita saṃkarahiṃ sunāē. atipriya jāni mahēsa sikhāē..

bāra bāra binavau muni tōhīṃ. jimi yaha kathā sunāyahu mōhīṃ..

timi jani harihi sunāvahu kabahūom. calēhu prasaṃga durāēḍu tabahūom..


There was no anger in Narada's mind; he reassured the god of love by addressing him in friendly terms. Then, bowing his head at the sage's feet and obtaining his leave, Love retired with his accomplices. Reaching the court of Indra (the chief of gods) he related his own doings, on the one hand, and the sage's clemency, on the other. Hearing the tale all were astonished; they extolled the sage and bowed their head to Hari. Then Narada called on Siva; he was proud of his victory over Love and told Him all Love's doings. Knowing him to be His most beloved friend, the great Lord Siva admonished him as follows:-"O sage, I pray you again and again: never repeat this story to Hari as you have repeated it to me. Even if the topic ever comes up before Him, please hush it up."

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