
Baal Kaanda

34 - The birth of Ravana and his brothers, their austerities, opulence and tyranny

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kāla pāi muni sunu sōi rājā. bhayau nisācara sahita samājā..

dasa sira tāhi bīsa bhujadaṃḍā. rāvana nāma bīra baribaṃḍā..

bhūpa anuja arimardana nāmā. bhayau sō kuṃbhakarana baladhāmā..

saciva jō rahā dharamaruci jāsū. bhayau bimātra baṃdhu laghu tāsū..

nāma bibhīṣana jēhi jaga jānā. biṣnubhagata bigyāna nidhānā..

rahē jē suta sēvaka nṛpa kērē. bhaē nisācara ghōra ghanērē..

kāmarūpa khala jinasa anēkā. kuṭila bhayaṃkara bigata bibēkā..

kṛpā rahita hiṃsaka saba pāpī. barani na jāhiṃ bisva paritāpī..


O sage, in due time, I tell you, this king, with his family, was born as a demon. He had ten heads and twenty arms. His name was Ravana; he was a formidable hero. The king's younger brother, Arimardana by name, became the powerful Kumbhakarna. His minister, who was known as Dharmaruci, became Ravana's younger half-brother, Vibhisana by name, who is known to the whole world as a devotee of God Visnu and a repository of wisdom. And the king's sons and servants, they were born a fierce demon crew. These wretches could take any shape they liked and belonged to various orders. They were all wicked, monstrous and devoid of sense and were ruthless, bloody and sinful. They were a torment to all creation beyond what words can tell.

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