
Baal Kaanda

34 - The birth of Ravana and his brothers, their austerities, opulence and tyranny

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khāīṃ siṃdhu gabhīra ati cārihu disi phiri āva.

kanaka kōṭa mani khacita dṛḍha barani na jāi banāva..178ka..

hariprērita jēhiṃ kalapa jōi jātudhānapati hōi.

sūra pratāpī atulabala dala samēta basa sōi..178kha..


The ocean surrounded it on all sides as a very deep moat. It had a strong fortification wall built of gold and jewels, the architectural beauty of which defied description. Whoever was preordained by Sri Hari to be the chief of the demons in a particular cycle, that illustrious hero of incomparable might lived there with his army.

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