
Baal Kaanda

38 - The Lord's manifestation and the delightful nature of His childish sports

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kachuka divasa bītē ēhi bhāomtī. jāta na jānia dina aru rātī..

nāmakarana kara avasaru jānī. bhūpa bōli paṭhaē muni gyānī..

kari pūjā bhūpati asa bhāṣā. dharia nāma jō muni guni rākhā..

inha kē nāma anēka anūpā. maiṃ nṛpa kahaba svamati anurūpā..

jō ānaṃda siṃdhu sukharāsī. sīkara tēṃ trailōka supāsī..

sō sukha dhāma rāma asa nāmā. akhila lōka dāyaka biśrāmā..

bisva bharana pōṣana kara jōī. tākara nāma bharata asa hōī..

jākē sumirana tēṃ ripu nāsā. nāma satruhana bēda prakāsā..


A few days rolled on in this way; days and nights passed unnoticed. Knowing that the time had come for naming the children, the king sent for the enlightened sage Vasistha. After paying him homage the king spoke to him thus, "Holy sir! Kindly assign them names that you have fixed your mind upon." "Their names are many and unique; yet O king, I will declare them according to my own lights. This eldest boy of yours, who is an ocean of felicity and embodiment of joy, a particle of which fills the three worlds with delight, has for His name 'Rama', the very home of bliss and the comforter of all the worlds. Your second son, who sustains and supports the universe, will be called 'Bharata'; while he whose very thought destroys one's enemies is celebrated in the Vedas by the name of Satrughna'."

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