
Baal Kaanda

46 - Worship of Goddess Parvati by Sita, Her receiving blessing from the Goddess and a dialogue between Rama and Laksmana

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ghaṭai baḍhai birahani dukhadāī. grasai rāhu nija saṃdhihiṃ pāī..

kōka sikaprada paṃkaja drōhī. avaguna bahuta caṃdramā tōhī..

baidēhī mukha paṭatara dīnhē. hōi dōṣa baḍa anucita kīnhē..

siya mukha chabi bidhu byāja bakhānī. guru pahiṃ calē nisā baḍai jānī..

kari muni carana sarōja pranāmā. āyasu pāi kīnha biśrāmā..

bigata nisā raghunāyaka jāgē. baṃdhu bilōki kahana asa lāgē..

udau aruna avalōkahu tātā. paṃkaja kōka lōka sukhadātā..

bōlē lakhanu jōri juga pānī. prabhu prabhāu sūcaka mṛdu bānī..


Again, the moon waxes and wanes; she is the curse of lovesick damsels and is devoured by Rahu when she crosses the latter's orbit. She causes anguish to the Cakravaka (the ruddy goose) and withers the lotus. O moon, there are numerous faults in you. One would incur the blame of having done a highly improper act by comparing you with the countenance of Videha's daughter." Thus finding in the moon a pretext for extolling the beauty of Sita's countenance and perceiving that the night had far advanced, Sri Rama returned to His Guru; and bowing at the sage's lotus feet and receiving his permission He retired to rest. At the close of night the Lord of Raghus woke; and looking towards His brother He began to speak thus, ''Lo, brother, the day has dawned to the delight of the lotus, the Cakravaka and the whole world." Joining both of his palms Laksmana gently spoke the following words indicative of the Lord's glory:-

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