
Baal Kaanda

5 - Contrast between saints and the evil-minded

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graha bhēṣaja jala pavana paṭa pāi kujōga sujōga.

hōhi kubastu subastu jaga lakhahiṃ sulacchana lōga..7ka..

sama prakāsa tama pākha duhu nāma bhēda bidhi kīnha.

sasi sōṣaka pōṣaka samujhi jaga jasa apajasa dīnha..7kha..

jaḍa cētana jaga jīva jata sakala rāmamaya jāni.

baṃdau saba kē pada kamala sadā jōri juga pāni..7ga..

dēva danuja nara nāga khaga prēta pitara gaṃdharba.

baṃdau kiṃnara rajanicara kṛpā karahu aba sarba..7gha..


The planets, medicines, water, air and cloth prove good or bad in the world according to their good or evil associations; only men endowed with a keen insight are able to know this. The proportion of moonlight and darkness is the same in the bright as well as in the dark fortnight; only the two have been named differently by the Creator. Knowing the one as the nourisher and the other as the emaciator of the moon, the world has given it a good name and a bad one. Whatever beings, animate or inanimate, there are in the universe, recognizing them, one and all, as consisting of ›Sri Rama, I ever adore the lotus feet of all with joined palms. I reverence gods, demons, human beings, Nagas, birds, spirits, manes (the souls of departed ancestors) and Gandharvas, Kinnaras and Raksasas (giants).* Pray be gracious to me all on this occasion.

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