
Baal Kaanda

53 - Arrival of Parasurama, exchange of hot words between Laksmana and Parasurama and Sri Rama's triumph over the latter

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dēva danuja bhūpati bhaṭa nānā. samabala adhika hōu balavānā..

jauṃ rana hamahi pacārai kōū. larahiṃ sukhēna kālu kina hōū..

chatriya tanu dhari samara sakānā. kula kalaṃku tēhiṃ pāvaomra ānā..

kahau subhāu na kulahi prasaṃsī. kālahu ḍarahiṃ na rana raghubaṃsī..

biprabaṃsa kai asi prabhutāī. abhaya hōi jō tumhahi ḍērāī..

sunu mṛdu gūḍha bacana raghupati kē. ugharē paṭala parasudhara mati kē..

rāma ramāpati kara dhanu lēhū. khaiṃcahu miṭai mōra saṃdēhū..

dēta cāpu āpuhiṃ cali gayaū. parasurāma mana bisamaya bhayaū..


A god, a demon, a king or a body of warriors, whether My equal in strength or more powerful than myself-should any of these challenge me to combat, I would gladly fight with him, no matter if it is Death himself. For he who is born as a Ksatriya, and is yet afraid of fighting, is a veritable wretch and has brought a slur on his lineage. I tell you in my natural way and not by way of a tribute to my race: Raghu's descendants do not tremble to meet in fight even Death. Such is the glory of the Brahmana race that he who is afraid of you (Brahmanas) is rid of all fear." When he heard these soft yet profound words of Sri Rama, Parasurama's mind was disillusioned. "O Rama, take this bow of Rama's lord and draw it, so that my doubts may be cleared."* As Parasurama offered his bow it passed into Rama's hands of its own accord, and Parasurama felt amazed at this.

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