
Baal Kaanda

55 - Arrival of the marriage procession and its reception etc., at Janakapura

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upamā na kōu kaha dāsa tulasī katahu kabi kōbida kahaiṃ.

bala binaya bidyā sīla sōbhā siṃdhu inha sē ēi ahaiṃ..

pura nāri sakala pasāri aṃcala bidhihi bacana sunāvahīṃ..

byāhiahu cāriu bhāi ēhiṃ pura hama sumaṃgala gāvahīṃ..


Says Tulasidasa: "They have no comparison anywhere, so declare the poets and wise men. Oceans of strength, modesty, learning, amiability and beauty, they are their own Compeers." Spreading out the skirt of their garment (as a beggar would while asking for alms) all the women of the city made entreaties to the Creator, "May all the four brothers be married in this city and may we sing charming nuptial songs!"

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