
Baal Kaanda

56 - The wedding of Sita and Rama and Their farewell

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puni jēvanāra bhaī bahu bhāomtī. paṭhaē janaka bōlāi barātī..

parata pāomvaḍaē basana anūpā. sutanha samēta gavana kiyō bhūpā..

sādara sabakē pāya pakhārē. jathājōgu pīḍhanha baiṭhārē..

dhōē janaka avadhapati caranā. sīlu sanēhu jāi nahiṃ baranā..

bahuri rāma pada paṃkaja dhōē. jē hara hṛdaya kamala mahu gōē..

tīniu bhāī rāma sama jānī. dhōē carana janaka nija pānī..

āsana ucita sabahi nṛpa dīnhē. bōli sūpakārī saba līnhē..

sādara lagē parana panavārē. kanaka kīla mani pāna saomvārē..


Then there was a banquet with a rich variety of dishes, to which Janaka invited all the members of the bridegroom's party. Carpets of incomparable beauty were spread on the way as King Dasaratha sallied forth with his sons. The feet of all were reverently washed and then they were seated on wooden seats according to their rank. Janaka laved the feet of Dasaratha, King of Ayodhya; his courtesy and affection were past telling. He then bathed Sri Rama's lotus-feet, that are enshrined in the lotus-like heart of Siva. Similarly he washed with his own hands the feet of the other three brothers also, treating them on a par with Sri Rama. King Janaka assigned an appropriarte seat to each guest and sent for all the cooks (for service). Leaves joined together so as to serve for plates were set before the guests with due reverence-leaves which were made of precious stones and had been joined with gold pins.

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