
Baal Kaanda

11 - Salutations to and the glory of the Name

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aguna saguna dui brahma sarūpā. akatha agādha anādi anūpā..

mōrēṃ mata baḍa nāmu duhū tēṃ. kiē jēhiṃ juga nija basa nija būtēṃ..

prōḍhai sujana jani jānahiṃ jana kī. kahau pratīti prīti ruci mana kī..

ēku dārugata dēkhia ēkū. pāvaka sama juga brahma bibēkū..

ubhaya agama juga sugama nāma tēṃ. kahēu nāmu baḍa brahma rāma tēṃ..

byāpaku ēku brahma abināsī. sata cētana dhana ānaomda rāsī..

asa prabhu hṛdayaom achata abikārī. sakala jīva jaga dīna dukhārī..

nāma nirūpana nāma jatana tēṃ. sōu pragaṭata jimi mōla ratana tēṃ..


There are two aspects of God-the one unqualified and the other qualified. Both these aspects are unspeakable, unfathomable, without beginning and without parallel. To my mind, greater than both is the Name, that has established Its rule over both by Its might. Friends should not take this as a bold assertion on the part of this servant; I record my mind's own conviction, partiality and liking. The two aspects of Brahma (God) should be recognized as akin to fire: the one (viz., the Absolute) represents fire which is latent in wood; while the other (qualified Divinity) corresponds to that which is externally visible. Though both are inaccessible by themselves, they are easily attainable through the Name; therefore I have called the Name greater than Brahma and Sri Rama both. Brahma (God) is one, all-pervading and imperishable; He is all truth, consciousness and a compact mass of joy. Even though such immutable Lord is present in every heart, all beings in this world are nonetheless miserable and unhappy. Through the practice of the Name preceded by Its true appraisement, however, the same Brahma reveals Itself even as the value of a jewel is revealed by its correct knowledge.(1-4)

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