
Baal Kaanda

20 - Descent of Goddess Parvati and Her penance

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saritā saba punita jalu bahahīṃ. khaga mṛga madhupa sukhī saba rahahīṃ..

sahaja bayaru saba jīvanha tyāgā. giri para sakala karahiṃ anurāgā..

sōha saila girijā gṛha āēom. jimi janu rāmabhagati kē pāēom..

nita nūtana maṃgala gṛha tāsū. brahmādika gāvahiṃ jasu jāsū..

nārada samācāra saba pāē. kautukahīṃ giri gēha sidhāē..

sailarāja baḍa ādara kīnhā. pada pakhāri bara āsanu dīnhā..

nāri sahita muni pada siru nāvā. carana salila sabu bhavanu siṃcāvā..

nija saubhāgya bahuta giri baranā. sutā bōli mēlī muni caranā..


All the rivers bore holy waters; birds, beasts and bees, all rejoiced. All animals gave up their natural antipathies and all those who dwelt on the mountain loved one another. With the advent of GirijŒ (a synonym of Parvati) the mountain (HimŒlaya) wore a cheerful look even as devotion to Sri Rama lights up the face of a devotee. Everyday brought a new delight to the house of HimŒcala, whose glory was sung even by great gods like BrahmŒ (the Creator). Receiving all the news NŒrada eagerly went to the house of HimŒcala. The king of mountains (the presiding deity of the HimŒlayas), received him with great honour; washing the sage’s feet he led him to a beautiful seat. He bowed his head at the sage‘s feet alongwith his wife and had his whole mansion sprinkled with the water hallowed by his feet. HimŒcala extolled his own good luck and, summoning his daughter, placed her at the sage’s feet.(1-—4)

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