
Baal Kaanda

26 - Siva's peculiar marriage procession and preparations for the wedding (undertaken by the other party)

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bara anuhāri barāta na bhāī. haomsī karaihahu para pura jāī..

biṣnu bacana suni sura musakānē. nija nija sēna sahita bilagānē..

manahīṃ mana mahēsu musukāhīṃ. hari kē biṃgya bacana nahiṃ jāhīṃ..

ati priya bacana sunata priya kērē. bhṛṃgihi prēri sakala gana ṭērē..

siva anusāsana suni saba āē. prabhu pada jalaja sīsa tinha nāē..

nānā bāhana nānā bēṣā. bihasē siva samāja nija dēkhā..

kōu mukhahīna bipula mukha kāhū. binu pada kara kōu bahu pada bāhū..

bipula nayana kōu nayana bihīnā. riṣṭapuṣṭa kōu ati tanakhīnā..


“The procession, brothers, is no way worthy of the bridegroom; you will make yourself a butt of ridicule in a strange city!” Hearing the words of Visnu, the gods smiled and parted, each with his own group. The great Lord Siva laughed in His sleeves and noticed that Sri Hari’s humour never failed. As soon as He heard these most pleasing remarks of His beloved friend, He sent Bhrngi to call all His attendants. And they all came when they heard Siva’s command and bowed their head at the lotus feet of their lord. Siva laughed to see His host in their motley attire riding every kind of vehicle. Some were headless, while others were hydra-headed monsters; some were without hands and feet, while others had numerous hands and feet. Some had numerous eyes, while others had no eyes at all; some were stout and well-built, while others had very slim bodies. (1—-4)

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