
Baal Kaanda

26 - Siva's peculiar marriage procession and preparations for the wedding (undertaken by the other party)

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tana khīna kōu ati pīna pāvana kōu apāvana gati dharēṃ.

bhūṣana karāla kapāla kara saba sadya sōnita tana bharēṃ..

khara svāna suara sṛkāla mukha gana bēṣa aganita kō ganai.

bahu jinasa prēta pisāca jōgi jamāta baranata nahiṃ banai..


Some had lean and thin bodies, while others were very stout; some were tidy, while others had dirty habits. They had frightful ornaments, carried skulls in their hands and were all smeared with fresh blood. They bore heads of donkeys, dogs, swine and jackals and the varieties of their clothes could not be counted. The troops of spirits, goblins and fairies of various kinds beggared description.

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