
Baal Kaanda

27 - Siva's nuptials

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jagu jāna ṣanmukha janmu karmu pratāpu puruṣārathu mahā.

tēhi hētu maiṃ bṛṣakētu suta kara carita saṃchēpahiṃ kahā..

yaha umā saṃgu bibāhu jē nara nāri kahahiṃ jē gāvahīṃ.

kalyāna kāja bibāha maṃgala sarbadā sukhu pāvahīṃ..


The tale of the birth, exploits, glory and surpassing strength of ®anmukha is known to the whole world. That is why I have briefly touched the narrative of Siva son. Men and women who narrate or sing this story of the wedding of Uma and Sambhu shall ever rejoice in their auspicious undertaking as well as during festive occassions such as wedding etc.

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