
Baal Kaanda

34 - The birth of Ravana and his brothers, their austerities, opulence and tyranny

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japa jōga birāgā tapa makha bhāgā śravana sunai dasasīsā.

āpunu uṭhi dhāvai rahai na pāvai dhari saba ghālai khīsā..

asa bhraṣṭa acārā bhā saṃsārā dharma sunia nahi kānā.

tēhi bahubidhi trāsai dēsa nikāsai jō kaha bēda purānā..


If ever any talk of Japa (muttering of sacred formulas), Yoga (subjugation of mind), dispassion, penance or of oblations to gods in a sacrifice entered Ravana's ears he would at once be on his feet and run to stop them. He would allow nothing of these and would destroy everything he laid his hands upon. There was such corruption in the world that no talk of piety could be heard anywhere. Whoever recited the Vedas or the Puranas was intimidated in manifold ways and sent into exile

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