
Baal Kaanda

44 - A visit to the town by Rama and Laksmana

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nisi prabēsa muni āyasu dīnhā. sabahīṃ saṃdhyābaṃdanu kīnhā..

kahata kathā itihāsa purānī. rucira rajani juga jāma sirānī..

munibara sayana kīnhi taba jāī. lagē carana cāpana dōu bhāī..

jinha kē carana sarōruha lāgī. karata bibidha japa jōga birāgī..

tēi dōu baṃdhu prēma janu jītē. gura pada kamala palōṭata prītē..

bārabāra muni agyā dīnhī. raghubara jāi sayana taba kīnhī..

cāpata carana lakhanu ura lāēom. sabhaya saprēma parama sacu pāēom..

puni puni prabhu kaha sōvahu tātā. pauḍhaē dhari ura pada jalajātā..


At the approach of night the sage (Visvamitra) gave the word and all performed their evening devotions; and while the sage recited old legends and narratives, two watches of the beautiful night passed. The chief of the sages, Visvamitra, then retired to his bed; and the two brothers began to rub his feet. The couple whose lotus feet are sought by men of dispassion muttering various sacred formulae and practising different kinds of Yoga (means of union with God) lovingly rubbed the lotus-like feet of their Guru, conquered as it were by his love. When the sage asked Him again and again, the Chief of Raghu's race went to bed only then. Laksmana pressed the Lord's feet to his bosom and caressed them with reverence and love deriving supreme joy from this service. It was only when the Lord repeatedly said, ''Retire now, my brother," that he laid himself down cherishing his Brother's lotus feet in his heart.

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