
Baal Kaanda

45 - Sri Rama's visit to Janaka's garden; Rama and Sita catch sight of each other

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sakala sauca kari jāi nahāē. nitya nibāhi munihi sira nāē..

samaya jāni gura āyasu pāī. lēna prasūna calē dōu bhāī..

bhūpa bāgu bara dēkhēu jāī. jahaom basaṃta ritu rahī lōbhāī..

lāgē biṭapa manōhara nānā. barana barana bara bēli bitānā..

nava pallava phala sumāna suhāē. nija saṃpati sura rūkha lajāē..

cātaka kōkila kīra cakōrā. kūjata bihaga naṭata kala mōrā..

madhya bāga saru sōha suhāvā. mani sōpāna bicitra banāvā..

bimala salilu sarasija bahuraṃgā. jalakhaga kūjata guṃjata bhṛṃgā..


Having performed all the customary acts of purification, they went and finished their ablutions; and having gone through their daily routine of devotions etc., they bowed before the sage. When the time came, the two brothers took leave of the preceptor and went out to gather flowers. Having gone out they saw the lovely royal garden, enamoured of whose beauty the vernal season had taken its permanent abode there. It was planted with charming trees of various kinds and overhung with beautiful creepers of different colours. Rich in fresh leaf, fruit and flower they put to shame even celestial trees by their wealth. The feathered choir of the Catakas, cuckoos, parrots and Cakoras warbled and peacocks beautifully danced. In the centre of the garden a lovely lake shone bright with flights of steps made of many-coloured gems. Its limpid water contained lotuses of various colours and was vocal with the cooing of aquatic birds and the humming of bees.

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