
Baal Kaanda

45 - Sri Rama's visit to Janaka's garden; Rama and Sita catch sight of each other

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sōbhā sīvaom subhaga dōu bīrā. nīla pīta jalajābha sarīrā..

mōrapaṃkha sira sōhata nīkē. guccha bīca bica kusuma kalī kē..

bhāla tilaka śramabiṃdu suhāē. śravana subhaga bhūṣana chabi chāē..

bikaṭa bhṛkuṭi kaca ghūgharavārē. nava sarōja lōcana ratanārē..

cāru cibuka nāsikā kapōlā. hāsa bilāsa lēta manu mōlā..

mukhachabi kahi na jāi mōhi pāhīṃ. jō bilōki bahu kāma lajāhīṃ..

ura mani māla kaṃbu kala gīvā. kāma kalabha kara bhuja balasīṃvā..

sumana samēta bāma kara dōnā. sāvaomra kuaomra sakhī suṭhi lōnā..


The two gallant heroes were the very perfection of beauty; their bodies resembled in hue a blue and a yellow lotus respectively. Charming peacock-feathers adorned their head, which had bunches of flower-buds stuck here and there. A sectarian mark and beads of perspiration glistened on their brow; while graceful pendants shed their lustre on their ears. With arched eyebrows and curly locks, eyes red as a lotus-bud and a lovely chin, nose and cheeks their gracious smile was soul-enthralling. The beauty of their countenance was more than I can describe; it would put to shame a myriad Cupids. They had a string of jewels on their breast; their lovely neck resembled a conch-shell in its spiral shape; while their mighty arms vied with the trunk of a young elephant, who was the very incarnation of Cupid. With a cup of leaves full of flowers in His left hand the dark-hued prince, my dear, is most charming.

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