
Baal Kaanda

45 - Sri Rama's visit to Janaka's garden; Rama and Sita catch sight of each other

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citavahi cakita cahūom disi sītā. kahaom gaē nṛpakisōra manu ciṃtā..

jahaom bilōka mṛga sāvaka nainī. janu tahaom barisa kamala sita śrēnī..

latā ōṭa taba sakhinha lakhāē. syāmala gaura kisōra suhāē..

dēkhi rūpa lōcana lalacānē. haraṣē janu nija nidhi pahicānē..

thakē nayana raghupati chabi dēkhēṃ. palakanhihūom pariharīṃ nimēṣēṃ..

adhika sanēhaom dēha bhai bhōrī. sarada sasihi janu citava cakōrī..

lōcana maga rāmahi ura ānī. dīnhē palaka kapāṭa sayānī..

jaba siya sakhinha prēmabasa jānī. kahi na sakahiṃ kachu mana sakucānī..


Sita looked timidly all round; Her mind was at a loss as to where the princes had gone. Wherever the fawneyed princess cast Her glance, a continuous stream of white lotuses seemed to rain there. Her companions then pointed out to Her the two lovely brothers, the one dark, the other fair of hue, standing behind a fence of creepers. Beholding the beauty of the two princes Her eyes were filled with greed; they rejoiced as if they had discovered their longlost treasure. The eyes became motionless at the sight of Sri Rama's loveliness; the eyelids too forgot to fall. Due to excess of love Her body-consciousness began to fail; it looked as if a Cakora bird were gazing at the autumnal moon. Receiving Sri Rama into the heart through the passage of the eyes, She cleverly shut Him up there by closing the doors of Her eyelids. When Her girl-companions found Sita overpowered with love, they were too much abashed to utter a word.

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