
Baal Kaanda

45 - Sri Rama's visit to Janaka's garden; Rama and Sita catch sight of each other

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tāta janakatanayā yaha sōī. dhanuṣajagya jēhi kārana hōī..

pūjana gauri sakhīṃ lai āī. karata prakāsu phirai phulavāī..

jāsu bilōki alōkika sōbhā. sahaja punīta mōra manu chōbhā..

sō sabu kārana jāna bidhātā. pharakahiṃ subhada aṃga sunu bhrātā..

raghubaṃsinha kara sahaja subhāū. manu kupaṃtha pagu dharai na kāū..

mōhi atisaya pratīti mana kērī. jēhiṃ sapanēhu paranāri na hērī..

jinha kai lahahiṃ na ripu rana pīṭhī. nahiṃ pāvahiṃ paratiya manu ḍīṭhī..

maṃgana lahahi na jinha kai nāhīṃ. tē narabara thōrē jaga māhīṃ..


"Brother, she is no other than the daughter of King Janaka, for whom the bowsacrifice is being arranged. She has been escorted by her girl-companions to worship Goddess Gauri and is moving about in the garden diffusing light all about her. My heart which is naturally pure, is agitated by the sight of Her transcendent beauty. The reason of all this is known to God alone; but I tell you, brother, my right limbs are throbbing, which is an index of coming good fortune. It is a natural trait with the race of Raghu that they never set their heart on evil courses. As for myself I am fully confident of My mind, which has never sought another's wife even in a dream. Rare in this world are those noble men who never turn their back on the foe in battle nor give their heart to or cast an amorous glance on another's wife, and from whom no beggar meets with a rebuff.

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