
Baal Kaanda

47 - Sri Rama's entry into the pavilion erected for the Bow-Sacrifice along- with Laksmana

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prabhuhi dēkhi saba nṛpa hiṃyaom hārē. janu rākēsa udaya bhaēom tārē..

asi pratīti saba kē mana māhīṃ. rāma cāpa tōraba saka nāhīṃ..

binu bhaṃjēhu bhava dhanuṣu bisālā. mēlihi sīya rāma ura mālā..

asa bicāri gavanahu ghara bhāī. jasu pratāpu balu tēju gavāomī..

bihasē apara bhūpa suni bānī. jē abibēka aṃdha abhimānī..

tōrēhu dhanuṣu byāhu avagāhā. binu tōrēṃ kō kuaomri biāhā..

ēka bāra kālau kina hōū. siya hita samara jitaba hama sōū..

yaha suni avara mahipa musakānē. dharamasīla haribhagata sayānē..


All the kings were disheartened at the sight of the Lord, just as stars fade away with the rising of the full moon. For they all felt inwardly assured that Rama would undoubtedly break the bow; or, even if the huge bow of Siva proved too strong for Him, that Sita would still place the garland of victory round His neck. They therefore, said to one another, "Realizing this, brothers, let us turn homewards, casting to the winds all glory, fame, strength and pride." Other princes, who were blinded with ignorance and pride, laughed at this and said, "Union with the princess is a far cry for Rama even if he succeeds in breaking the bow; who, then, can wed her without breaking it ? Should Death himself for once come forth against us, even him we would conquer in battle for Sita's sake." At this other princes, who were pious and sensible and devoted to Sri Hari, smiled and said:-

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