
Baal Kaanda

53 - Arrival of Parasurama, exchange of hot words between Laksmana and Parasurama and Sri Rama's triumph over the latter

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baṃdhu kahai kaṭu saṃmata tōrēṃ. tū chala binaya karasi kara jōrēṃ..

karu paritōṣu mōra saṃgrāmā. nāhiṃ ta chāḍa kahāuba rāmā..

chalu taji karahi samaru sivadrōhī. baṃdhu sahita na ta mārau tōhī..

bhṛgupati bakahiṃ kuṭhāra uṭhāēom. mana musakāhiṃ rāmu sira nāēom..

gunaha lakhana kara hama para rōṣū. katahu sudhāihu tē baḍa dōṣū..

ṭēḍha jāni saba baṃdai kāhū. bakra caṃdramahi grasai na rāhū..

rāma kahēu risa tajia munīsā. kara kuṭhāru āgēṃ yaha sīsā..

jēṃhiṃ risa jāi karia sōi svāmī. mōhi jāni āpana anugāmī..


It is with your connivance that your brother addresses such pungent words to me; while you make false entreaties with joined palms. Either give me satisfaction in combat, or forswear your name of 'Rama'. Give battle to me. O enemy of Siva, without taking recourse to any wily trick; or else I will despatch you and your brother both." While the chief of Bhrgus thus raved with his axe raised on high, Sri Rama smiled within Himself, bowing His head to the sage, "While the fault is Laksmana's, the sage's wrath is against me. Sometimes meekness too begets much evil. A crooked man is reverenced by all; the crescent moon is not devoured by the demon Rahu." Said Rama, "Cease from wrath, O lord of sages; the axe is in your hand, while my head is before you. Do that, my lord, which may pacify your anger; know me to be your servant."

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