
Baal Kaanda

53 - Arrival of Parasurama, exchange of hot words between Laksmana and Parasurama and Sri Rama's triumph over the latter

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dēkhi kuṭhāra bāna dhanu dhārī. bhai larikahi risa bīru bicārī..

nāmu jāna pai tumhahi na cīnhā. baṃsa subhāyaom utaru tēṃhiṃ dīnhā..

jauṃ tumha autēhu muni kī nāīṃ. pada raja sira sisu dharata gōsāīṃ..

chamahu cūka anajānata kērī. cahia bipra ura kṛpā ghanērī..

hamahi tumhahi saribari kasi nāthā..kahahu na kahāom carana kahaom māthā..

rāma mātra laghu nāma hamārā. parasu sahita baḍa nāma tōhārā..

dēva ēku gunu dhanuṣa hamārēṃ. nava guna parama punīta tumhārēṃ..

saba prakāra hama tumha sana hārē. chamahu bipra aparādha hamārē..


Seeing you equipped with an axe, arrows and bow, the boy took you for a champion and got excited. Although he knew you by name, he did not recognize you in person and answered you according to his lineage. If you had come as a sage, the child, O holy sir, would have placed the dust of your feet on his head. Forgive the error of one who did not know you; a Brahmana should have plenty of mercy in his heart. What comparison, my lord, can there be between you and me? Tell me if there is any affinity between the head and feet. Mine is a small name consisting of the single word 'Rama'; where as yours is a long one, having the word 'Parasu' prefined to 'Rama'. O lord, whereas there is only one merit in me and that is my bow while you have got nine most auspicious characteristics such as; tranquillity, restraint, penance, purity, forbearance, straight forwardness, knowledge, supreme knowledge and faith in God. I am thus inferior to you in everyway; therefore, O holy sir, forgive my faults."

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