
Baal Kaanda

54 - Janaka's despatching of messengers to Ayodhya and departure of the marriage procession from there

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dūta avadhapura paṭhavahu jāī. ānahiṃ nṛpa dasarathahi bōlāī..

mudita rāu kahi bhalēhiṃ kṛpālā. paṭhaē dūta bōli tēhi kālā..

bahuri mahājana sakala bōlāē. āi sabanhi sādara sira nāē..

hāṭa bāṭa maṃdira surabāsā. nagaru saomvārahu cārihu pāsā..

haraṣi calē nija nija gṛha āē. puni paricāraka bōli paṭhāē..

racahu bicitra bitāna banāī. sira dhari bacana calē sacu pāī..

paṭhaē bōli gunī tinha nānā. jē bitāna bidhi kusala sujānā..

bidhihi baṃdi tinha kīnha araṃbhā. biracē kanaka kadali kē khaṃbhā..


Go and despatch to the city of Ayodhya messengers who may invite King Dasaratha and bring him here." Janaka gladly responded, "Very well, gracious sir," and summoning the messengers despatched them that very moment. He then summoned the leading citizens, and they all came and respectfully bowed their head.''Decorate the bazars, streets, houses, temples and the whole city on all its four sides," was the royal command. They returned in joy, each to his own house. The king then sent for his own servants and instructed them: "Erect pavilions of all kinds with due care." Bowing to the king's orders they returned glad of heart, and sent for a number of clever artisans skilled in erecting pavilions. Invoking Brahma they set to work and made pillars of gold in the shape of plantain trees-

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