
Baal Kaanda

56 - The wedding of Sita and Rama and Their farewell

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sabahi bhāomti mōhi dīnhi baḍaāī. nija jana jāni līnha apanāī..

hōhiṃ sahasa dasa sārada sēṣā. karahiṃ kalapa kōṭika bhari lēkhā..

mōra bhāgya rāura guna gāthā. kahi na sirāhiṃ sunahu raghunāthā..

mai kachu kahau ēka bala mōrēṃ. tumha rījhahu sanēha suṭhi thōrēṃ..

bāra bāra māgau kara jōrēṃ. manu pariharai carana jani bhōrēṃ..

suni bara bacana prēma janu pōṣē. pūranakāma rāmu paritōṣē..

kari bara binaya sasura sanamānē. pitu kausika basiṣṭha sama jānē..

binatī bahuri bharata sana kīnhī. mili saprēmu puni āsiṣa dīnhī..


You have exalted me in everyway and accepted me as Your own servant. If there were ten thousand Saradas and Sesas, and if they were to count for millions of Kalpas, the tale of my good fortune, I tell You, and the record of Your virtues could not be exhausted, O Lord of Raghus. I make bold to say something on the strength of my conviction that You are pleased with the slightest devotion. I repeatedly beseech You with joined palms that my mind may never be deluded into deserting Your feet." On hearing these polite words saturated with love Sri Rama who had all His desires fulfilled, felt gratified. With the greatest courtesy the latter honoured His father-in-law treating him on a par with His own father, Kausika or Vasistha. The king then humbly approached Bharata and embracing him with affection gave him his blessings.

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