
Baal Kaanda

57 - Return of the marriage procession to Ayodhya and rejoicing in the city

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jō basiṣṭha anusāsana dīnhī. lōka bēda bidhi sādara kīnhī..

bhūsura bhīra dēkhi saba rānī. sādara uṭhīṃ bhāgya baḍa jānī..

pāya pakhāri sakala anhavāē. pūji bhalī bidhi bhūpa jēvāomē..

ādara dāna prēma paripōṣē. dēta asīsa calē mana tōṣē..

bahu bidhi kīnhi gādhisuta pūjā. nātha mōhi sama dhanya na dūjā..

kīnhi prasaṃsā bhūpati bhūrī. rāninha sahita līnhi paga dhūrī..

bhītara bhavana dīnha bara bāsu. mana jōgavata raha nṛpa ranivāsū..

pūjē gura pada kamala bahōrī. kīnhi binaya ura prīti na thōrī..


Under Vasistha's directions he reverently performed all the ceremonies prescribed either by usage or by the Veda. The queens, on seeing a crowd of Brahmanas, deemed themselves most fortunate and all rose to greet them. They laved the feet of the holy ones and helped them all perform their ablutions; while the king duly worshipped and entertained them at meal. Overwhelmed with the host's civility, gifts and love, they departed glad of heart invoking blessings on him. To Gadhi's son (Visvamitra) he paid homage in various ways and said, "My lord, there is no one so blessed as I am." The king lavished his praises on him and took the dust of his feet with his queens. He assigned the sage a fine quarter in his own palace, while the king and his whole gynaeceum kept a vigilant eye on his wants even though unexpressed. Again he adored the lotus feet of his preceptor (Vasistha) and made humble submission to him with great affection in his heart.

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