
Baal Kaanda

57 - Return of the marriage procession to Ayodhya and rejoicing in the city

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dēva pitara pūjē bidhi nīkī. pūjīṃ sakala bāsanā jī kī..

sabahiṃ baṃdi māgahiṃ baradānā. bhāinha sahita rāma kalyānā..

aṃtarahita sura āsiṣa dēhīṃ. mudita mātu aṃcala bhari lēṃhīṃ..

bhūpati bōli barātī līnhē. jāna basana mani bhūṣana dīnhē..

āyasu pāi rākhi ura rāmahi. mudita gaē saba nija nija dhāmahi..

pura nara nāri sakala pahirāē. ghara ghara bājana lagē badhāē..

jācaka jana jācahi jōi jōī. pramudita rāu dēhiṃ sōi sōī..

sēvaka sakala bajaniā nānā. pūrana kiē dāna sanamānā..


The mothers gratefully worshipped the gods and manes with due ceremony; for all the cravings of their heart had been satisfied. Bowing to all they begged as a boon the welfare of Rama and His brothers. The gods conferred their blessings all unseen, and the mothers gladly received them by spreading the end of their garment (as a token of respect). The king sent for those who had joined the marriage party and gave them vehicles, wearing apparel, jewels and ornaments. Having received the king's permission and enshrining Sri Rama's image in their heart they joyfully returned each to his own house. All the men and women of the city were invested with garments and jewels and there was jubilant music in every home. The king in his exultation gave whatever the mendicants asked for. Every attendant and every musician was sated with gifts and kind attentions.

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