
Baal Kaanda

57 - Return of the marriage procession to Ayodhya and rejoicing in the city

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ēhi sukha tē sata kōṭi guna pāvahiṃ mātu anaṃdu..

bhāinha sahita biāhi ghara āē raghukulacaṃdu..350ka..

lōka rīta jananī karahiṃ bara dulahini sakucāhiṃ.

mōdu binōdu bilōki baḍa rāmu manahiṃ musakāhiṃ..350kha..


The mothers derived joy millions of times greater than the joys mentioned above; for in their case it was the Delighter of Raghu's race Himself who had returned home with His brothers duly married. As the mothers performed the traditional rites the brides and their grooms felt shy; while Sri Rama smiled within Himself on perceiving the ecstasy and merriment of the occasion.

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